Clive Barker Wiki

Harvey Entertainment


Logo: On a blue background, we see the face of Joker, overlapping a yellow seal on top of the screen. Over the clown are the words "The Harvey Entertainment Company" with "Est 1939" above "Entertainment". Below it's a copyright disclaimer for Harvey Comics.


Logo: On a black background, we see the same Harvey seal logo, but it has a white outline. It was shifted to the left. Then we see the words

The Harvey Entertainment Company

wiped on the right to the logo. Joker winks his eye at the end.


On a black background, we see the words "THE HARVEY ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY" scrolling right to left on the screen. Then we reveal the Joker trademark, winking his eye and sticking his tongue out. Joker then takes his place on a yellow seal with "Est 1939". Below it, "THE HARVEY ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY" reappears. The word "HARVEY" shines.